Anxiety and Depression Therapy

in Simi Valley, CA

Where understanding meets real-life solutions for a happier, better You

Schedule a Free Consultation Today


Does this sound familiar?

  • Feeling overwhelmed stuck and unhappy

  • Always second guessing yourself

  • Constantly replaying hurtful scenarios

  • having a hard time saying “no” or setting healthy boundaries for yourself

  • taking care of everyone else but not feeling appreciated or cared for

  • feeling at a loss with how to fix everything

 Life doesn’t have to stay this way.

Hi, I’m Caroline, and I can help.


I provide therapy to adults and young adults struggling with anxiety and depression. Clients walk away from therapy with me feeling like they have a clearer understanding of who they are, what they want, and how to get there. My clients have a great sense of feeling validated and empowered. Most of all, they learn to have compassion and love for themselves, feeling confident that they can live life happily and unapologetically.

How I Help


Conquer your fears and overthinking and regain confidence that you can handle what life throws at you.


Experience joy again and learn to love yourself.

Therapy for Moms

Find balance. Find yourself. Enjoy your child and love yourself as you and as a mom.

Young Adults

Learn to trust yourself as you navigate through adulthood, relationships, career, and important life decisions.


You’ve got this.

The Process

  1. Schedule a free consultation.


2. Collaborate with me during weekly online sessions.


3. Take hold of your life and love yourself confidently.